Saturday, November 16, 2019
Whats the Most Important Essay Example for Free
Whats the Most Important Essay The world breathes onto us, and in return, each of us breathes onto the world. Life, happiness, and passion are wound around the essence of our beings like white doves flocking about an ancient colossus bathed by the sun of life, a magnificent structure we shape with our own hands each day, every day. We are what we value and what we believe of ourselves. We are capable of as much or as little as we lead ourselves to believe. We have the gift of free-will to decide each day, each hour, each minute who we are and what we will do the coming day and each day after that. We make choices every day, we live everyday, and in grief, a little of us dies every day. But like the surf rolling across the beach of time, the sands of life are replenished with each stroke of the tide. Nature always returns what she takes away. Within each of us is the embodiment of life. We live every day. Each of us has within our beings hopes and dreams. Within our souls we hold our values and our beliefs about the universe. And next to our hearts we hold our ideals and our passions. Like hundreds of thousands of candles shining in the darkness, we are one in ourselves and one together. Each of us is never quite as alone as we ever think we are. And by living everyday we find meaning in ourselves, meaning in our lives, and meaning in our hearts, however brief each of the flames burning in our souls shines in this vast symphony of stars. On one level we simply are. On another we must also recognize that through living, we also make choices about who we will become. We touch others every day with our words, with our words, our actions, and with our joy and our grief. And they in turn touch our hearts in similar ways. The world isnt always perfect, but the choices we make are ours alone, based solidly upon our values and ideals. We may choose every day to be angels, granting wishes, helping those in need, caring, and inspiring others with our words, with our passions, with our hopes and our dreams. We may believe however we wish about the universe- whether God created man or man created God- the choices we make every day are still ours. And subsequently we have the responsibility to look at ourselves each day and ask ourselves who we are and what is it thats truly important to each of us. Whats important to me? What should I do differently today that didnt work yesterday? Am I happy with the choices I made? What can I do from this point on about who I am inside to make myself a better person if Im not happy with who I am now? What do I fear and why? And what is it thats really important in my life? Is acquiring material wealth no matter the cost really that important? Is being seen, worshiped, or placed on a pedestal really that important to make me feel like a worthwhile individual? Is feeling that I fit in a group so important that its worth sacrificing my ideals, values, and everything I believe? We are each one flame among billions, each blessed with the greatest gift of all, the freedom to choose. Life is all about choices, touching others, and being touched by the acts of others each day. Its about who we really are. Its about finding our true selves and being honest about what we feel and what we believe every hour of every day. It is absolutely important that each of us never surrender those things we feel are right and true within ourselves. To do so would only leave us feeling like weve betrayed the foundations of who we are. Never surrender the honesty of your hopes, your dreams, or your values, no matter what anyone says. In the end, the person you really have to live with isnt your parents, your friends, or those who pressure you into doing things. Its YOU. Never forget from where you came. Never lose sight of where you are. And always look forward to where you want to go to chart your course over the great oceans of life. Some will navigate by the stars, some by the charts, and others by the winds alone. They all reach destinations and exotic ports of call eventually. Some stop for a while, while others journey on. But the memory of their journey will be recounted from the lips of the other travelers they met along the way. Some will recall the friendships they forged with them if not for a little while, others will recall their choices at difficult crossroads. But the most poignant memories will often be the acts of compassion or courage that left forth from their hearts because it was who they were.
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